Friday, April 29, 2011


On Saturday, we headed up to Cambridge for Keegan's first Easter. And his first road trip :-) He got to meet his Uncle Zachy for the very first time!  It was so fun to watch Zach with him. (I even caught him humming/singing hymns to Keegan when he was fussing)

Keegan spent most of the day in all three of his uncles' arms: or in his auntie Anna's arms... and some in Grandma's arms.  Lucky little bugger.  It was a little much for him, but overall, it went well. EXCEPT that Mommy was not so smart and drank a mountain dew late in the day.  Which caused him and US to have a TERRIBLE night.  I think Geoff and I got in 3.5 hours of sleep that night.  Keegan was NOT pleased.  So, lesson learned. NO CAFFEINE after like 1:00 p.m. :-)

Easter was quite the experience.  We got up and managed to get ourselves all ready for the Easter service and we were only 10 minutes late. :)  We might have made it on time, but we stopped by John and Bev Griswold's house, so that they could meet the little guy (John fell off a roof he was working on about 3 weeks ago and broke his pelvis, so church was out for him).  It was great to see them and catch up REALLY fast before we headed out to the service.  Keegan slept through the entire service (which surprised us, since he hadn't eaten in nearly 5 hours!), and woke up just as we made it to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house.  The day was a whirlwind day of Great Aunts and Uncles, cousins and even Great Great Uncle Dwayne.  Keegan was passed around from person to person and by the time late afternoon came, he was done. Geoff and I had to take him upstairs and have some quiet time, just the three of us.

Keegan's First Easter


Great, great uncle Dwayne

After our big day with the Olson's, we drove over to visit MORE Olson's!! :) It was great to see Lee and Julie again, and get to see Tim, Jen, Erica, J.J., the boys and the McFarland's!

Once we got back to the house, we packed up all our stuff, fed Keegan and of course, took more pictures.

Our Easter Gift

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting adjusted...

The first week, Geoff stayed home all day Monday and Wednesday afternoon (and I have NEVER been so happy to be home on the couch with him!) We had our first weight check for Keegan on Monday morning, where thankfully he had gained a little weight, but not as much as they wanted, so they set us up for another weight check Thursday (which Grandma (my mom) had to drive us to!).

Most of the week was pretty uneventful.  Just trying to get a feel for being new parents.  Because of the C-section, stairs were pretty much out and so we moved the changing table into our family room and both of us slept on couches for the entire week.  That way, we weren't far from anything we might need through out the night.  We found that Keegan is definitely his father's son.  He is a tooter and a pooper.  It is RIDICULOUS!!  I think that he goes through 15 diapers a day... or more?!?!?  All day long.  Stiiiinky!

On Tuesday, Great Aunt Brenda came to help around the house (I GOT A NAP!) and on Thursday and Friday, my mom was here to help. Although, Grandma was horrified to find that she didn't get NEARLY what she expected to get done, done.  Keegan bewitches people. They think it's been a few minutes and hours have gone by with you just staring at him.  At the end of Thursday, she realized with a SHOCK that all she did was hold Keegan all day!! :)  Which is exactly what Grandmas should do.  In any case, it was wonderful to have her around. Even though it's hard to find things that she helped with now! :)

On Friday we went BACK to the photographer's for attempt number 2.  It went MUCH better. He was sleepy and pose-able.  She got a ton of great shots (thanks in part to my mom who ended up being an unofficial assistant) which you will all see when we get the CD in the mail!!!  There was however, ONE set back.  Keegan POOED all over the photographer and her props!! But in his defense, I warned them he was a pooper, and she had him naked on a blanket with his booty in the air!  So! It was pretty funny.      
@ the doctor's.

Leave me alone!
Found my thumb!

First Weekend @ Home

Well, as you can see in the preview, we basically crashed as soon as we were home.  It was such a relief to be back in our own home after spending the week at the hospital.  On Sunday, we took Keegan for his first attempt at newborn pictures... Which didn't go QUITE as planned!  Zane, the photographer was hoping for him to sleep through out the shoot so that she could pose him however she wanted... Keegan had a different idea.  We tried everything. We fed him, changed him (multiple times).... and we rocked him to sleep.  But every time we put him down, he woke back up. All he wanted was to be held.  So after nearly three hours, and about 12 good pictures... we finally decided to rain check for Friday!  BAH!! Stubborn boy - must be mine.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy week

We have been informed that we are not keeping up on our blog!  Well!  That is because we have been distracted by our beautiful baby boy Keegan Gary Johnson!!
This is Sarah's attempt to figure out just what to type.  I am not the storyteller that my brother in law Ryan is, but I will do my best.

So Tuesday night:  They pulled baby Keegan out of my belly, and he made one squawk and that was that.  I was  lying there, while they went straight to work sewing me up, and Geoff went over to the bassinet that they were checking baby out on.  I heard Geoff tell me we had a boy.  And I couldn't stop smiling.  I just laid there smiling, thinking, we have a boy.  A boy!  And in my mind, I thought: "Keegan. I think his name is Keegan."  But of course, I was still not completely coherent and I needed to wait to talk to Geoff about that!  Eventually (I don't know how long it took), I made it to the recovery room to rejoin Geoff and our little boy.  He brought him over to me to see, because I hadn't seen him yet.  He was beautiful.  He also made his first big messy diaper, so the nurse and Geoff got him all cleaned up.  While they were checking me over, I asked Geoff what he thought of Keegan. I vaguely recall saying something like "How do you feel about Keegan?" and that we didn't actually have to name him yet, but to think about it. He said he liked it, but we started to sort of think thru the other names we had listed... We got up to our room and were holding him, staring at his beautiful face and looked at each other and said, "His name is Keegan"... so there you have it.  The rest of the night and most of the next day are a bit of a blur... What with us having been up since 12:30 Monday morning!!!

For the rest of the week, we were super blessed with lots of friends and family coming to visit and to bring special gifts for Keegan.  I can hardly remember who came when.  We are so thankful to everyone who came to see us, it was wonderful.  Pictures to follow soon :)

Grandma for the first time!!!

"eyes, ears, mouth"

Great Uncle Kevin reading scripture

This is a link to a video slide show put together by First Day Photo (the hospital photographers)

We will try to fill you in on our first weekend at home soon...
Here is a little preview:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 2 labor

You might wonder why we stopped at 11:59 before that's because I didn't move down far enough and with painful contractions we did a C-Section to get me out as fast as possible,  I was born 4/12/2011 at 1:20 am weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches long and a boy.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Johnson

Here we thought we were guaranteed a 4/11/11 baby, Sarah's water broke Monday morning at 12:30 am.  Which was a huge surprise as my due date was suppose to be 4/26/11.  We arrived at the hospital around 2:30 am, why you ask for the delay? We didn't have anything ready, which isn't a huge surprise for anyone that know us.

15 hours into labor and still no baby, but my heart is beating strong.

We made the decision, with our doctors advice after being stuck at 7 cm for 4 hours to get a epidural and use pitocin to make the contraction more affective. We did this till 11:59 pm.