Saturday, July 2, 2011

In the hospital again...

After the graduation party, Geoff started to be in real pain, and spiked a major fever... that lasted through the night with chills and shaking too.  Finally Sunday morning, I told him we were going in.  Turned out, he had appendicitis and needed to have surgery. That night!  So, 2 months after giving birth to Keegan, Geoff was in the hospital, and I was the one who didn't want to leave him :) but leave him I did that night after surgery.  Thankfully, we were at my mom's, so Keegan spent the day with Grandma, while I spent the day in the hospital waiting.  We ended up having to stay in Cambridge for another night, which was VERY inconvenient, seeing as we'd only planned on staying over ONE night and leaving early afternoon. :) I didn't have enough bottles, wipes, cell phone chargers, or anything else we needed.  Oh well.  It worked itself out. And the next day, I brought Keegan up to visit Daddy.  

Geoff recovered a bit slowly but seems to be doing pretty well now.  Good thing I had one more week of maternity leave when all this happened!  He wasn't much help that first week! :-) 

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